Monday, January 31, 2011

Scart Colorfixer Pinout

NaNoWriMo: The Red Moon. Cap 9.

Title: The Red Moon.
Chapter: Nine .
Characters: Akaya Kirihara, Sanada Genichirou.
Gender: Mystery, Thriller and Suspense (LOL according to the NaNo)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: AU . Character Death (?)
Summary: Here.

Chapter Nine

Although the sun was made bearable with the times, she thought her legs Akaya flaquearían at some point and would go directly to the ground. The trip to the mountains green, full of big trees, like a maze with no exit, making a bit too dark despair is not yet reached the lake and find, so far, any good site available. He was already imagining the scene when they spotted the loophole, not at all promising.

also was that of his vice captain leading the way forward. How long had taken over again to send? Was no longer his and he fukubuchou himself had been suggested, but still kept the habit of always before him, as if it were a child did not know anything. On impulse, the boy rushed over with the little strength he had left and ahead of Sanada, taking the domain of the road. She noticed a small frown of annoyance by the other as he passed, making the boy smile on your side with pride, but in his thoughts of having achieved something great and fun of his senpai, it looked straight ahead, or did not raise foot enough to notice that a rock was getting in its way, stumbling and falling on her face to the earth.

- It hurts! "He complained, sitting on the floor and gently stroking her cheek that had served as buffer. Genichirou sighed and shook his head slightly from side to side. The boy never learn to behave.

- Taroundoru! -Though he could have continued while the other got up and reached it, the more remained in place in silence, until Akaya could stand, fix the rucksack on his back and walk again. Kirihara

noted with surprise that gesture, but like him, remained silent and still pretending annoyance at being dropped, got up and continued to lead the trip. How was it that had they call it now? "Sanada fukubuchou? Come to think of the name was too long, but in high school I had so much respect, never realized how extensive it might be. "Sanada ... san? It sounded too formal! And while continue holding him at least consideration, that name sounded too much. How had that call, then? Almost

stumble again, thinking too much about him an appropriate name and came, unfortunately, no successful conclusion. Luckily, I could see the lake that was not so many people, not as much as I had imagined, at least.

-around is strange that People have even close to the lake itself, "said Akaya suddenly realizing that the people who was there was not even on the shore of the lake, causing even more strangeness.

"Perhaps the lake is not advisable to take a bath Sanada muttered back, realizing also that nobody was actually swimming despite the heat was still at that hour of the afternoon.

followed the current majority and decided to seek a more or less away from the water if anything happened. Akaya was not completely convinced because there was no indication that something was wrong with that gap. Perhaps had been in charge of the place saying they could not bathe for the day, as it would be boring to have access to the site without being able to have fun in their entirety. Finally left his backpack on the ground and landed heavily beside it, pulling the hat he wore and wiping his forehead of sweat with his right wrist. Glanced at Sanada, who took out the equipment needed to install the tent as soon as possible. Kirihara thought obvious.

"This ..." to avoid calling for something, missed a nickname. Are we going to leave the tent set up here? He asked expectantly.

"If we do not leave something here, we might be removed place, "said the dark opening the large tent that had been Yanagi. Akaya raised an eyebrow.

- And how we go with the others leaving this here? Worried asked, expecting an answer not very encouraging, something he would wait there while the others arrived for dinner. It sounded too cruel, even coming from Sanada.

"You should have thought of that before leaving," spoke the boy staring at last. I'm putting this.

- What? But Sana ... we can not leave everything here.

"Just leave it armed. I did not say leave everything, "said patiently, not wanting to hear more complaints of the child.

- would have left my backpack there, dammit! "Protested annoying, but it looked Genichirou irony, knowing from the outset that the boy was just exaggerating for bringing bag often to stay a few days. Certainly brought stupid things like games and stuff like that.

Kirihara then walked slowly to the closest person to inquire if he could take care of the place, discriminating carefully to hit with someone suitable. It was when he saw a girl about thirteen years playing with another five near a tent. He looked for someone older, but only found an elderly woman lying down in a chair. Chances were that the woman was the grandmother of the girls. Anyway, looked nice, mused the dark-haired.

"Sorry ..." the boy approached the woman, calling attention to turning to him, which he did. Does it come with someone else?

- Are you for my girls? They are still too young for you! -Akaya started, but could not prevent a prominent vein on his forehead to be forthcoming.

- Am I trying to old? He muttered, fortunately without being heard. Then again normal, coughing slightly. N-no, I mean. In fact, I would ask a favor.

"I have no money," sighed Akaya teasing, counting to ten before you completely lose patience.

"No, I do not want money. What happens is that I want ... I can not

-lend anything.

- No! She cried at last, causing the scary lady. The boy apologized quickly. Wants us to look after our place to come back with our other friends, the guy said where he was keeping the unnecessary Sanada in a bag.

"If I'd said that from the beginning, would not be jumping to conclusions - If I had stopped talking first thought the boy sarcastically. It was typical of old paranoid, convinced he thought.

- Well? Asked anxious, hoping that not say something like he wanted something in return.

"Oh, yeah. No problem, unconcerned.

"Thanks," replied the boy with a smile, suddenly remembering how strange it seemed to him the absence of people on the shore of the lake, so I decided to ask. Sure the old knew. By the way, why anyone camping near the lake, have banned?

- Huh? Oh, that, the woman changed her appearance to a more serious. I guess you have not heard about what happened a month ago.

I think not.

The woman was paid in telling the story of a group of young people who entered without permission the only place to have fun, apparently. However, the next morning, they found two of the five bodies of the boys, who were with bruises of varying degrees, as if someone had brutally beaten to death. Of the other three types was still a mystery, having spread the story of the enchanted lake at night, listening the desperate cries of the boys for help, as they were killed.

All that according to rumor, obviously.

That was about to be tested that night, as it was the first day open for more people to assist with the opening of the much ballyhooed botanical gardens and many were shocked by the news and did not dare camping there. At the same time, Akaya remembered what he had been told when I was playing tennis on the street courts. "That was the supposed urban legend? He seemed to have absolute legend.

- Is it true? He asked incredulously. If it was so serious the matter, at least had been in the news.

"Of course. Did not you see the local news? -Akaya was thoughtful, considering how little attention wore when giving the news. The only thing related to death were those murders in the United States by a madman who had not yet found. To where he had heard.

"Uh, yeah, yeah ..." he lied. What a great urban legend, he reasoned ironic. He

reflecting on what happened towards the tent and made, by entering it a certain curiosity and fear have not taken the story. In any case, be with Yanagi-senpai and perhaps Marui and Jackal would stay with them, also very close to where he was and Sanada Yukimura-Buchou ... fukubuchou. It was not guaranteeing anything, but at least I knew that would not be alone.

When he arrived, took the bag with little desire, with the idea to be carrying it back to the restaurant and it was not so close. Sanada looked at him expectantly, waiting for a positive response, as it will not cause grace would have to disassemble everything to get things back. No, would send back Akaya ask around if he had to return to their usual habits. The

-old said there was no problem, 'said a the woman who rose quickly in the direction of the two girls who came dangerously close to the lake. Keep

-respect, "she scolded Akaya, noting that the youngest of the girls was too close to the lake. Without much thought, then went over there, the end of the day would personally thank him. Akaya followed, more than anything to ask the woman if she could take care of your bag as well.

And boy, had arrived on time, because the girl was saved from stumbling, but the other, in an attempt to save her, was about to fall later. Genichirou reached to hold an arm in time, smoothing the face of panic that had seized the women. Akaya thought he might even have given him a cardiac arrest while the lady had disfigured his face with that picture.

And now that he noticed the creek nearby, could be seen that the height was quite considerable if one fell from there.

- Thank you! -Mrs excitedly thanked the tallest boy, as he only nodded in response. These girls seem to enjoy the danger, "he said, while the two ran small place, hiding in the car for most.

"By the way, Obasan "Mrs. raised an eyebrow by the way Akaya called, but the kid's completely ignored or rather, did not notice as he turned to look at your bag. "I can leave it here? It would be annoying to carry it and bring it back just to go get some friends, "he explained. Genichirou looked disapprovingly.

"Oh, yes, with pleasure," replied the woman without a problem. The boys seemed nice after all. There

learned that the woman had come alone to the place with her grandchildren because their parents were on a business trip abroad. Sanada was also where he learned the history he had been told to Kirihara minutes earlier, about how dangerous it could possibly be the lake at night. Of course, the boy was not scared at all, saying that those stories were just to scare people not to come to the site because of some Protestants, who opposed the opening of the garden. Surely it was all an accident of adolescents under the influence of alcohol and drugs, perhaps doing something as gruesome as killing themselves and falling into the lake, why were not yet found the bodies.

Akaya Both women looked shocked, thinking that Sanada had so much imagination and conviction in their words to argue his innocence in a murder he himself had committed.

-Fukubuchou, you're exaggerating, "murmured the child.

But something unexpected happened. Sanada was going to turn to Akaya to make it clear that it was not the only one who thought that way and that the whole story of the enchanted lake was ridiculous, but his attempt slid slightly to the side of the ravine, destabilizing to the worst side of everyone. In a quick reaction, take her hand Akaya achieved, but more weight was too much for him, so that the earth gave way, and that if he continued holding would fall both at the bottom of the lagoon.

- Sanada-fukubuchou! Kirihara shouted afflicted. Would not long endure that. The woman came to help, but only managed Akaya's feet he had no where to step to steady ground.

- Akaya, let go! "Was the highest order, knowing the consequences if the boy was still holding his hand.

- Are you crazy?! How do you think I can do that? Desperate cried helplessly. If you let go would fall, but if he did, would fall two. Damn!

- Do not be naive! It is not going to die by falling into the water, "said sarcastically, trying to lighten the atmosphere. Were approaching people for help, but Sanada ordered them not to come, as would be useless and would harm Kirihara.

-Fukubuchou ... "stammered the boy even stronger squeezing hands. What should I do? What would Yanagi-senpai instead?

- Akaya! Genichirou shouted, trying to get the guy to react. Close your eyes and slowly releasing it until it completely fell Sanada.


could hear the plunge when it hit surface water and finally allowed to open eyes to see the cliff blue felt had been immense. The boy fell about two steps toward the mainland and from there, along with those who had come to help, waited patiently for the most out of the water and showed signs that he was fine, so I could go for help calmer. But his patience was running out and was going to fall in trouble when five minutes had passed and still no sign of him.

-F-fukubuchou ... barely whispered, repeating for the third time the only thing that seemed to say. He heard the men talking to her, but could not understand what, was too deep in his misfortune.

"Hey, kid," he told one, taking care of the young. Go get help to the botanical garden, they are in charge of the place and surely there are rescue or whatever you see fit. Go!

"B-but ...

fuku" The worst thing that could have happened was drowning, so go down the other side to get down, "he told another older man, fueling the hopes of the boy.

"If you stay here longer and end up desesperándote not find a good way to rescue your friend, the woman extended her hand to stop him her purse with her, while she went to seek help because he had not yet delivered.

With a little more hope, Akaya ran the botanical garden. He indicated a shortcut which could get faster, so do not shop around to leave the campsite. Knew who was something wrong with being next to Sanada, had this bad feeling since I saw it. Despite how badly he felt for what happened, a strong hunch he came from nothing, feeling worse. Sanada Did you mean? What if he died or perhaps the best option was to have remained there?

And thinking back on those alleged killings, he was sure Yanagi have heard tell that it had found something about it, when I asked for information. So how was that woman said she had come up on the news?

dialed his senpai immediately. Come to think, going in search of Marui-senpai and then return to the restaurant's car Jackal. Expected to find there yet, whether the red was delayed with something, as always used to.

The phone scored seven times, but was not answered, causing bufara Akaya angry and upset as he was. Why Yanagi-senpai was never on the phone first? At least wanted say that he was not moving hand could therefore think that they were still at the entrance, as if he had been driving, if not answered it, Marui, and do not hesitate to ask him how he was. And of course, poking fun at how fun it was out camping with Sanada, although not necessarily so. Marui-senpai knew that put special spice to the uncomfortable situations of others.

In his career, he could see the great hall which was at the entrance and in the morning, crowds around him. Now it was almost empty, with a couple of parked cars and people leaving the place. But these people seemed alarmed and ran all the same direction, as if something serious had happened inside, something like a fire.

glanced to where everyone was, meeting later that a car had collided with a tree. Further back, the flow around something that was covered with a black jacket, while some people approached the car to retrieve another, apparently.

"Oh, can not be worse," complained the boy, knowing that the managers who were there would be busy in the accident had happened and there would be people available to accompany him to help Sanada. He stopped because the car seemed to family, when close enough.

Perhaps the order of Jackal-senpai?

If it was ... Who was covered with that black coat?

After a few minutes to process the information, the car door opened slowly, allowing himself to see a red head at once, too well known to be confused with another person. I could hear the sobbing, muttering something without noticing that a lot of sense from their position, falling to the ground defeated. That meant that the package that was previously owned a few meters ...

was true. could be worse.


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