Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Reasons Doctors Prescribe Vicodin

NaNoWriMo: The Red Moon. Cap 6.

Title: The Red Moon.
Chapter: Six .
Characters: Rikkai.
Gender: Mystery, Thriller and Suspense (LOL according to the NaNo)
Rating: PG-13 .
Warnings: AU .
Summary: Here.

Chapter Six

Seiichi Yukimura's face lit up completely, as if the heat and does not affect you one bit, to turn and was pleasantly surprised to learn that the voice was calling him Jackal, who was apparently looking at Renji with craft shops that had seen seconds earlier, but did not call much attention, mostly because there were many people to go take a look.

"I am delighted to find in this place," said the peliazul, while Sanada made a gesture as a greeting.

-imagined you could come, but had reduced the chances by the heat of the day, "said Yanagi and stand alongside the other two. Indeed Seiichi, Akaya Have you seen happen?

"I'm sure seeing Akaya run with a large knapsack on his back, said the boy thoughtfully, taking his right hand to his chin, remembering the boy who had been hastily a few minutes before. I believe it was him.

"No doubt, Yanagi agreed, changing its previous concerns.

Before looking at the dark-haired, talked about their lives and how much had happened since the last time they had seen. The fact that his respectable captain was working in a newspaper, his vice captain in a commercial, Jackal Yanagi serving as a teacher and his almost-own restaurant, made him look much more mature than they had imagined.

Yukimura told them his reasons why he was there with Sanada, though Yanagi had already formed the obvious idea that the boy was a fan of such places, as well to tell them took the opportunity to leave his Sanada routine work and rest of all that, taking a few days off with him. Jackal said he was there for Marui, who was working in the classroom where he became a feast for the authorities to arrive soon, helping to carry in your vehicle you need. He said that after the red end, were part of the afternoon to rest, so there was a chance of passing it along to Akaya and Yanagi, who wanted to spend all weekend camping, even though the boy was lost between crowd.

And speaking of ...

Akaya Kirihara was finding out recently that Yagyuu Niou and worked in the same company and had been assigned to work together and to explore some land near the coast. Akaya then noticed that both had not changed much, so that the custom of calling senpai was even modeled.

also realized that at that rate would not be able to find Yanagi-senpai immediately, so he decided to call it, while the other two just watching him expectantly, having stopped their search and looking at the child with irony, and I should have used his mobile phone from the beginning if he was looking so eagerly, and while not having to have wasted his time helping you find it.

- Yanagi-senpai? "Renji even managed to say hello when you pressed the button to answer the unit, knowing in advance that it was Akaya. Sighed loud enough so that Kirihara listen and understand what it was not funny to wait for almost an hour.

"I guess you're lost," Akaya air filled his cheeks in a gesture rather childish.

-E-eh ... not quite. Is that I found Yagyuu "Niou-senpai senpai and outside the place and want to say hello.

-Q-What a coincidence, "he whispered Yanagi missed, and as seldom hesitating," to view and patience of the other three at his side. Were the eight near the site? His first thought the boy was that someone brought there on purpose, but they all seemed equally amazed and casual, with different reasons for coming to the place.

- Is something wrong, Yanagi? Sanada asked upon discovering that the boy had been suddenly speechless for a few seconds, but quickly regained his composure to hear the voice of the dark, he still had that feature black cap on his head.

- Are you with someone else? Asked the child to listen to Genichirou, although it did not recognize him as their fukubuchou.

"I'm with Genichirou, Jackal," said Seiichi and simply waiting for a reaction similar to that Kirihara listen below.

- "Sanada fukubuchou?! Exclaimed incredulously and somewhat restless, causing almost the same expression on their faces and Hiroshi Masaharu. Wait, did you say also Yukimura-Buchou?!

And Jackal "said Major, supplementing the information. It was quite common at school, but the Brazilian felt he had fallen years to see that the child does not seem to mind his name, when he heard Renji repeat.
Sanada Yukimura and also walk around here, interesting. Yagyuu Hey, we leave the matter of work then, do not you think? Glasses, the boy looked at him disapprovingly, but he could not hide that he was so interested in the matter Niou, so that she could only nod, despite the gesture he had done was a few seconds ago.

After a few minutes of searching, seven guys got together and entering the Botanical Garden as popular, they continued talking and joking, especially with Akaya-as if the years had passed, had been only days, since none had lost the essence of what the others had received from the first time they met.

had managed to survive the morning and the people crowded in small speech from the authorities, leading to the great place where everyone went desperately, as if they had never had much contact with nature before in their lives. Of course there were all kinds of people, not just those who were for reasons quite simple as Yukimura. When they left the place, found the entrance arguably less crowded than before, thanks in part because the doors of the place had been open to the dough, leaving a fresh breeze, ideal for walking to shops and food stalls were a little further from there.

"I received a message from Bunta-Brown said suddenly to feel your phone vibrate, while all had lunch at a quiet restaurant away from the crowded streets, but close enough to walk to the coast or to the botanical garden in search of red.

- Jackal, dying of hunger! Here I can not eat anything and ended up in fifteen minutes, so you better go over to look for before you drive the car and crashing end . Well, Marui-senpai can not drive a vehicle mock-spoke Kirihara, after reading the message, sitting next to his senpai.

"I'm quite sure that you do not know how to handle, Masaharu boy sneered, making the dark-haired angry and stand idly by without saying a word.

- What do we do? Yagyuu had kept looking for a better place to stores coastal-expressed concern.

"If you permit me, I can go for Bunta and bring him back along with your self-Yanagi offered helpfully. Jackal thought it was a good idea, since the boy was the most focused and calm of all to manage your precious vehicle and no damage in transit. Even as he was imagining the consequences if Marui reached behind the wheel. Meanwhile, Akaya, you should find a place to camp. Probably not many spaces should be available.

- I forgot! Said the alarmed boy.

"You need not worry. Sure if you go with Sanada, scare a few ladies and get a place of simple-Genichirou did less to look at Niou, thinking of the thousand ways I could hang on whether it will look depends.

-Genichirou would be a good idea to go with you anyway, Akaya. Many items agreed Seiichi heavy-nodding and knowing that neither was so much fun with the idea of going together to the lake.

So he took the luggage Sanada and Kirihara Renji put his bag on his back again to their departure, while the observed Yukimura and Niou still sitting under the shade of the terrace of the restaurant had decided to go to lunch. Yagyuu Jackal and remained with them as well, since they decided to stay a bit longer to come down the intensity of the strong sun that beat up those hours in the afternoon and go elsewhere in search of more exclusive and near the coast. Yanagi was the first to leave because imagine the impatience of red, which meant that he had not changed at all, if they drew conclusions that nobody had really changed much, so we walked to step rushed to the place he had visited in the morning along with others.

- Sanada-fukubuchou, wait! I can not walk faster! "Complained Kirihara, wearing a hat that had gotten out of his backpack minutes ago, letting the sun burn more of what I was doing. Perhaps the idea of coming here was not so bad, but the fact that he was sure would come as red as a crab home, did not like at all.

- Stop calling me that! He shouted back, being annoyed because the child still had this name to him, which he did not like too much now, mostly because it made him feel strangely older. I'm not your master!
"But ... I mean, Sana ... Ahh! It is difficult to break the habit! Okay? Akaya-back equally upset, mostly because of just go with it together. Had formed an expectation that Sanada had changed a bit as severe as, and perhaps could be a decent conversation with him. I knew the idea was too tiny joke, but I expected a breakthrough in his personality over time, making it even a little more sociable than before, which was crumbling and falling apart, now that I was listening to scream. Yelling at him , as always used to.

-Kirihara-kun never lose the habit of calling it, "said the gentleman called when there were only four in the place. Jackal nodded in agreement.

"That's because basically Sanada will always be grumpy fukubuchou Akaya always feared that Niou-supplemented funny, when the above were lost in the streets. Yukimura laughed softly.

"You're right. Genichirou has always maintained his serious and imposing appearance "He concluded reflectively. As much as I try to make things change a bit the way they do, returns quickly to normal style, so I thought to take vacation was a good idea to distract him and he could relax from the stress of work.

"I would not be a coworker Sanada, anyway. It would be terrible, "continued the peliplateado, drawing smiles from the other three.

continued a few minutes the four, now mainly talking of his years in high school. Why no one had chosen tennis as a profession? Was the question a number of responses out of tune. Yukimura stated that with his health, his career probably be shortened even more than the average of a normal player, even though it had been a difficult decision as to a certain time, this sport had been all his life and an escape route anything that might distract him from his goal, always reach the top. Yagyuu said, either tennis or something else that is dedicated to enthusiastically continue to achieve their goals, just had left tennis to follow a higher purpose and had found it comforting. Jackal knew from the beginning that the courts would never be a way to live, at least for him, so he decided early keep working and make your life. Niou just heard the views of others, but when his turn came to answer the question, only answered with his characteristic long way to go.


was about five in the afternoon when the sun could be felt with less intensity, to everyone's relief. Again more people could be seen walking the busy streets of the city, connecting the coast and the green areas of the small hills that covered the lake. Yagyuu Niou had noticed even quieter than normal, and had participated only in monosyllables own hand and when he was Akaya and Sanada present bothering with something. Could assume that it was the heat, because the boy seemed to be upset and uncomfortable about something, but did not appear on any of the guys, because his face when he learned they were all subtly had softened to a more cheerful imperceptible change unless the guy knew too well.

addition, as the sun was going away to hide her features were softened, reason enough to know that all the fault of the big star was hot. It was there that the brown-haired boy decided it was time to go shopping with fellow South American and have something ready for dinner when meeting them all again.

"I think it's time to walk to the coast, do you think, Jackal-kun? "The name jumped a little, mostly because you're thinking about your car yet. It was true, trust Yanagi, but somehow had a hunch. I did not know why, but tried to get their thoughts back to that idea and reality. I was sure that walking and talking with the boy for a moment forget eyeglasses that.

"Yes, you're right. We should leave now, soon we will not have space anywhere else to eat "She got up from his post and took a bottle of water, because although not as hard hit as the sun was a few hours ago, the number of people on the streets was now going to suffocate him, was sure of it.

"I hope they can find a good place," Yukimura said, still seated and apparently without any intention of getting in a good while. But the food is always available from the hotel. Or maybe you brought Akaya.

"I prefer the food at the hotel," said Niou suddenly and all agreed with him. Both

Jackal Yagyuu as slowly moved away from the place where they were all at first, walking to the coast, specifically the heart tourism site, where they had large quantities of stores, restaurants and everything that an average tourist could imagine to find. There was a considerable amount of foreign stores, so they decided to start there at the request of his former captain, supported by Yanagi, Yagyuu and then Jackal. The Brazilian knew Marui hungry eat anything, so I included in the list of those who favored the idea. Kirihara did not find him just because he wanted to fast food or anything to eat at once. He was unfamiliar foreign food or their entrees that seemed too small for their stomach, in addition to being absurdly expensive. Preferred something quick to make and otherwise inexpensive. Sanada would have liked a little more national but Seiichi promised that the next day they could eat what he wanted, but finally did not join this group. Niou was not interested in any and just wanted something to cool.

"Always enigmatic, Niou, Yukimura said when they were both. Masaharu looked at him askance, knowing that the peliazul was as enigmatic as he is. Perhaps he had even stepped up its mysterious side with time, now that everyone should fend for themselves in the world and not fall naively lies and hypocrisy of society.

"Not that you're different," she answered back, knowing that the boy would outline a big smile even if I was not looking. Never could understand the mentality of Yukimura to perfection and that was one of the few things that were outstanding in their stay by the institute. He had made a tremendous effort to imitate, but always ended up frustrated, angry with himself for not being able to be at their level can not reach it. Below it was stated at the time and all I wanted was exceeded and it was with Yagyuu from time to time. Glasses with the boy had always maintained that fellowship competition, the rivalry that lay under the cloak of the supposed friendship. But no way I could say I felt the same with Seiichi. It was a puzzle never completely assembled and when you thought he was about to finish, everything was disassembled for return to the same or even further back than it was before.

Now they were alone at the table without saying a word, Masaharu believed everything I was thinking was true. Never trusted him from the start and for any reason it would start to do now, although at that time there was nothing really strange to start talking on the defensive. Anyway, if I stopped being that way, the boy would see him eventually and ask why there begin their insecurity and a mental game that never ends. It was really weird, but I sensed a different atmosphere compared to a while ago, where they were all talking in a pleasant and enjoyable.

looked slightly to peliazul, who was sipping a glass of fruit juice. Why the hell was so much uncertainty at his side?


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