Sunday, October 10, 2010

African American Hfmd

Thank you very much for your support with the theft of my car ♥. Are very grateful because now all I have is this: have courage because what is coming now are pure cans because it was a robbery that just cause me a huge hard time. I'll be without a car for days (still do not carry the car insurance because they are Chilean and do not work weekends but is something that I know), I have to go tomorrow to do the reporting and paperwork because many many more I'll have to suck on be the owner of the car (I think I do not like much that is my name xD). Will be a tough day in the car or no u_u is that I live sooo far away that the car is my savior forever! Luckily, my mom insurance is good and he will lend me if I ask him one day (to carry large models mostly) but do not depend on that because I do not want to leave without a car (I can ride just fine micro but she did not).

Ok, I'll tell you of my days now xD. After the poodle lady came to me the documents I got sooo happy to be going to celebrate xD is that this sort does not happen every day and it was like the light from the misfortune (should be a poet: D). So my friend Sophie picked me and we went to where my friend pre Panchi. We were there with two friends more, but later they did not go with us. We went to Stingray (a disco around here) we find two other friends and I spent sooo good. I have not Carretie and seem to need much. Just recently I was happy because in the disco were some unpleasant Argentina (they were like 20 guys!) Too drunk to bother us (us world and for all women in the place) who wanted to dance and that we should only be Argentines idolize just under . I have nothing against the Argentine people but against a bore and they were because they were not going to ever Despite the heaviness that we said.

This morning I wanted to go to the spring (or shoreline actually ... oh no! Have to live here to understand xD) because it puts a Sunday antiques fair and I wanted to buy a cup of tea jermosa ♥ I had seen last week. I woke very late but I was like: D nothing going to stop me. I was surprised because it was still there xD I thought it only put in the morning! The trouble was that it was the cup: (but as I told my mom, was the destination he did not want any. With the money that I spent in the cup went to buy things at the craft fair that was nearby. I bought a gray cloth with black and silver (I wanted a full black because it is a basic but this did not like was cute), a coffee (and did not like coffee is so little combinable every time I wore that color could not get even a handkerchief which had already xD) and big purple glasses (only because he was stuck with that idea in the head from long ago xD). Maybe tomorrow I will make pictures because now I walk with zero intention of taking the camera xD.

was supposed to at night we would do a barbecue with my friends from school but as sooooo ... O_O AJJJJJJ did nothing! ¬ ¬ They are a heavy! Do not know the idiot I was when I called to tell me that I was not going because almost no one could ¬ ¬. So it was resigned to myself to sort my part because since I brought the notebook to the living who do not already ordered xD (I did not even bed!). I brought him here because I get better internet but I suspect that my father sent me to my room soon xD just 'cause. Twitter recently by a friend u tell me which is also boring and I connect it and the thing is that he, his girlfriend (my friend and classmate too xD but just to clarify) and a friend come to my more home time. I wanted to come because they wanted to leave but as I came out worse because I have to cash them plan to leave until Viña (like 30min) when they go to take micro and go home. The other option was to go to the home of a friend but that meant going to my mom's car there and back and that somehow gave me a lot of tin. THE THING IS THAT THERE WAS PLEASED AS TODAY! xD Must be the cancellation of the roast that my head right off xD. Well, now I hope to arrive:).

since yesterday I've been watching videos and juicystar07 allthatglitters21 on youtube as a poor sick xD. Not having the people who make tutorials, gives beauty and fashion tips and talks about his life that attracts me xDDD. If you have time I invite you to see because at least I draw always very good tips to paint, clean my room, etc. I especially like the What's In My Bag? , if you do not know is when girls have what they carry in their wallets, because I always make ideas of things I could be useful in mine. Sometimes it motivates me to do a me too xD. But not: $.

And so far no work for u xD. I'm going to regret it later (or tomorrow when you leave work.)

Have a nice week! ♥


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