"I do not know!" It's that simple xD. That's what I said a couple of hours when I asked why was like Tokio Hotel, which is that although it took something like two years
started by a talk on the Tag-sama of LMF, a few yesterdays ago, I remember Cide (
When started in the fandom was kind of mind square, and I understood TomxBill. But the other couples soon began ~ Torg, Billstav, Boo with Bill or Tom or both ... Well, both choro to say that no-Happy birthday to me! xDDDDD.
And to celebrate, a small one-shot drabble uu
Fandom: Tokio Hotel
Pairing: TomxBill
Knock, knock, knock.
When Bill played for the first time the door of Tom did for fear of cries of Simone and Jörg not let him sleep. He spent the night huddled to aldo for Tom, feeling comfortable being hugged his sister and thinking the world could end and he be happy.
The second time was when his parents divorced and Jörg, after much explaining things had gone with a lot of luggage and the promise to return one of these for them. But as time passed and he did not return the hope began to wane and the feeling of abandonment Bill grew both felt that at any moment be broken. Tom had that day whispered words of comfort and hope, and between sobs made him promise never to leave him.
Time passed and the door was never touched again. They were already big night did not need consolation, no words of encouragement such whispers. Tom teníaa appointments to forget and Bill to their songs. They smiled, played, chatted, but never showed the emptiness they felt unable to be together.
The third time he touched the door, was Tom that after a few drinks and a heart broken beat off so find solace in the only place I knew, was safe. Bill did not object and let you slept with him, did not mind cleaning the destruction that left her sister in her bedroom or the tears that wet his chest as the greatest pain I felt pulled , nor cared that a caress innocent could turn into a kiss that left him breathless and with the toes curled.
A week without called to the door step, but there was a lot of work and turns to complete. So, to reach a French city where he would sign autographs only to later have a break, time to think about what happened came. Bill thought that Tom could not remember, so devoted to rest, but Tom remembered itself, and the idea of having kissed Bill caused a rare blend of curiosity, regret and excitement. Determined as ever to find some answers to his confusion was to play a fourth time at the door, this time, complaints, cries, and many bruises were the consequences. Neither he nor Bill had know how to deal with, and one thing led them to a another, at one point were kissing and the other claiming to do these things.
Jost Not to mention that to see conditions in which he sent were "held" to their rooms, and the following photo sessions were canceled until further notice. To pass the time they had met the four members in the room of Gustav, which was not very happy with the audience he had in his sanctuary, the twins did not speak and it was obvious that there was tension ; to including both queGeorg tired of the hostile attitude had rolled his eyes and a "need air" was gone.
in his bedroom hours later, Tom looked at the ceiling and drew figures with specks of dust, a great oppression on his chest hurt more than his lip. His thoughts led to the guest in front, which in turn walked to and fro, looking a thousand and one solutions to the problem from "Uh, sorry Tomi" to "But you kissed me, your fault! " no better than the last.
And, as in many cases the timing was perfect and amazing, a couple of doors were open at the same time. There were no words just a smile and a sigh of everyone. Tom did not ask for anything or demanded Bill, just kept his door open, waiting for her sister moved to accept the deal. And when he closed his own habitacióny crossed the aisle, Bill knew that things would change and that without doubt it would be best.
door be left untouched, it is not necessary, are always open.
bueeeeee ~ ~ And, corny and all, but I loved
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