Saturday, February 7, 2009

What To Serve With Boudin Sausage

nn Saturday mid-afternoon.

Well, Cherry walk and inspired after reading a story about the transsexual Kim Petras world's youngest is a somewhat rare came into his head, somewhat as possible similarities between Bill and Tim / Kim xD . I leave is a one-shot weird, I do not understand and possibly not the best I've written but bueh, is what 'no' for me already a lot considering my period of abstinence uu

Fandom: Tokio Hotel
Claim: BillxTom
Warnings: No lime or lemon (?) xD. And a hint of Bill seme oo Oh, yes, OoC (???) Remember, Cide? *-*
Title: Kim Petras Do you know?

Tom was not good with words, and when he opened his mouth always shit ... As now, sitting outside the dressing room he shared with Bill, she hoped that her sister would be content or at least let him explain it properly. Try to explain, it was noted.

And he was not the culprit, rather lacking the gift of rhetoric had, sometimes believed that this was due to the fact of being born first, and not being on time for the distribution of skills. Or maybe that poseíay twisted humor as it used to rile Bill, which was the cause would now have to wait until the end interviews of the day to talk to him.

nothing to do rose from his place on the floor and went for a soda. It all started a month ago when back to Germany was met with a shocking news for others, well, controversial because despite being a developed country there are still conservative. It was an old story, just remember it honestly is not as if he really cared in those days when all he wanted was to touch her, loved, Gibson, with his beloved, brother. The fact is that holders could read "The youngest transsexual" or "rating it? Kim and Tim Petras? "Boldest newspapers put a photo of before and after, and he had to admit that Kim was a very pretty girl. But that's not the fact that marked his life, but when he read one of those newspapers where they explained the reasons why sex change could not help some comparisons.

Historically, and this was not a exaggeration after all I had shared a placenta bag with Bill, his twin conocíaa, knew every one of its facets, the gestures that accompany their daily routine, body movement ... In conclusion n, everything. Although there were certain times that seriously questioned some of these behaviors, and not because it was rather alien to the fact that the majority of times I could see these attitudes in some of the girls sister school or Georg. Certainly did not mind any of this because it was Bill and he loved him well; although he worried something else was the cause of these outbursts .

After reading the article in question had a firm goal, observe carefully to Bill. A few years ago that it had neglected to share bed or bath together, and teenagers were not a child of five, so that and not hide behind the fact to see her naked twins was causing some morbidity (pleasure not supported), implemented its Phase One: Approach to improve fraternal relationship background to read personal space invasion Bill to meet a fund .

This plan was to share hotel rooms, and if the occasion permitted to sleep together, but not because you feel pleasure caused almost equal to his body close to him, more debíaa well be that among the tangle of legs and arms that used to be looking for some sign 'abnormal' in the body of Bill as a slight swelling on the chest or something.

After a week declined the option of physical something happen. So perhaps the question was so psychological quee went into phase two: Improving the brother-sister relationship, using the technique casual conversation, it was the same interference in each of the emotional aspects of life or not Bill.

all started with a beer and pizza in the room who saw that Gustav had no choice kindly gave her room to the coexistence of the group, some jokes here and there and gossip over three sixs were added to the body of the boys, to this point the secrets 'dark' began to dress the environment, and because of that he learned some things not very pleasant to begin with Bill had had a relationship beyond the fraternal with Andreas and that some drunk had undergone an oral Georg but well remembered none of the details. Or that some months had gone out with Bushido in order to establish a relationship gentler with Tokio Hotel but had ended in a stronger sex session he had experienced. Upon this confession Tom was more sober than drunk and began to question whether that discomfort I felt was the product of a preview of the hangover or the life of Bill love.

Since that time it was proposed not to separate himself from his twin, forgetting the primary purpose and adopting the role of elder brother who would protect him from all over the world, or what was the same for rappers of dubious Friends pseudo reputation.

For the start of the fourth week Bill was so tired of the situation that gave them an ultimatum or stupid or he left his mother contaríaa what had actually happened to the Lord Teddy. And under that threat had to yield.

spent another week trying to devise a plan to continue with their investigations, but nothing was ocurríay tired of thinking about what it decided to choose the most obvious and simple idea: ask directly.

What puts us now in the record set a German television in which they conduct an interview, after running to the G's spent half an hour meditating how to start, but Bill stepped forward.

"Well, Tomi, whatever you have to say you can release it.

looked in the mirror and caught the eye of Bill encouraging and that was enough to say the first thing that happened.

- Have you ever thought about being a woman?

A half-closed eyes told that was not the right question.

"I say, is that sometimes your attitude, he stopped to see the steep brow of her sister and tried to calm down. Is that honestly there are times you have certain episodes and not very manly ... Do you know Kim Petras?

That merited him a shower of objects, mostly because Bill teníaa small hand her little makeup case, another obvious point missed, and along with it a scenario, which made him flee the room.

After the soda went looking for David who was with Gustav. The manager scolded him for seeing him put in a very near nervous breakdown to Bill, he heard everything he said Jost, after all repel, or do you pay attention brought fewer privileges in travel, David Jost could be a very vindictive. Still love him. After assuring volveríaa not pass went back to the dressing room half an hour had passed and hoped the incident his twin was more calm.

played twice, something silly, but of survival when Bill was angry, no one answered, hesitantly entered, a second later he was trapped against the door and a very calm Bill, while frightened, came ; to his lips to whisper.

"Now I see that as a woman.

Errors, handpick, and other ~, are appreciated ^ ^. By the way thanks to my wife-premium to its timely xD opinion ... 3.


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