Thursday, October 23, 2008

Age Of Empires Rise Of Rome Gamecopyworld


And yes, I return. And no, nothing to update and uploaded / made / promised just came to give a vueltecilla. I can say in my defense end of the semester = no time.

And is that despite the twincest continues in my life sooo evil have not had time to sit down and do something halfway decent uu I have not even read! but ... I'm not engaged in the creation of new K-Cestus stories (?) XD, I will dedicate myself, body and soul to those already finished. Although, if I've done other things as an original work in which uu, it's easier. Recently trying to get Tom and Bill are / do something me a hard time together.

Finally, and as if he had many things to spend the night in a fit of madness I asked for another table in a literary duel uu Here ~ my rancho, which leads me to does anyone know what happens in SH? I take two days trying and probably many insults uu mother in the process, so while I find curse published here.

cherry I'm there, to see if it inspired me and continue with the remaining ~. I leave this, I stole from [info] my_heartwish is that it is love (L) xD, I feel let you know the next time uu Well then


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