you know? Today is one of those days when I feel like a big cup of chocolate, a blanket and a good supply of movies to pass the time, but as I have not divagaré a ratillo, I hope not bother = D.
Desolation in the city.
Sunrise in Mexico City smog greets songbirds that are overshadowed by the sound from car to run on the gray streets of the city.
The sadness and the emptiness takes over from early people walk like robots that follow a well-defined pattern: Home-Job-House.
not seem to feel they are alien to their surroundings, and in a way they are.
The spark of life seems to be extinguished before each breath full of pollution choking or each spectacular that promises to make them more happy if you buy that plasma TV makes them much needed. Because the system so dictates, buy to be happy.
But what if life were beyond televisions, cars, luxury homes, in conclusion of money? Would it be a foolish person who does not know what you want in life?
Not everything in this life can be quantified, is does so with feeling, with the breath, to see? It is as if you arrived and said they feel someone twice or three times you breathe your mother.
Are you a young man who seeks equality thatched you an idealist and unpatriotic, according to the definitions we have been taught from an early age to be a patriot is to see, be silent, obey, and never ask.
"The truth shall make you free"
I wonder if it so, be prepared to know it? What really seek to know? And even knowing it what is expected to do?
are multiple questions that haunt me and my turban.
political trends are mixed: I do not know yet what will define me "I do not care about my country?
"You can not go against the system!"
I cry every television commercial, every sweet that led to my mouth.
Will I have to follow the path and find me?
I will not be of those people who get on the subway and that exchanging a look with you the emptiness of a mechanical life is reflected.
freely I laugh, cry and have someone listen to what I have to say.
Do I ask too much?
do not know, but I'm beginning to resign myself, do not expect anything.
But it's really not all that much a problem of my political leanings, it is more prefer to keep at bay ^ ^.
Which brings me a. .. Did you think that I forgot that I have a fic to be updated? For what they say yes, I will break your heart (?) And no, because thanks oo ~. I have to ask for an apology because I am too lazy to put it here so I'll give you the link to SH oo, just this once. The following chapters will be here and there xDD.
Fic ~
This brings me to that
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