Sunday, November 21, 2004

Reebok Resistance Bands How Tos

peperina @ 2004-11-21T05:23:00

the thick smoke caused by the introduction played.

introduction of the most unusual outcome,
who would say!, Bodies fused together by love.

music, the perfect accomplice.
the hiding, the sweetness of the forbidden.

the roundness of his head became a puzzle square
clear that never mattered too much.

"I love you, I love you I love you," said the bold
are fugitives from the city and discovered

fire with savagery, and aspired
veins to stick more.

no more makeup than the color of the whisper, no more happiness
that has been filled to overflowing.

memorable moment, there are.
marks on my back, I say there is nothing more to say.


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