post open .. to discuss! The other day I came home a few friends of my parents to see my mother .. One of them, Julio (which has a photocopy shop by pacific) is very interested in the subject of witches. mushrooms .. all subjects "supernatural", ect etc.
We talked for hours about it .. My parents hallucinated about the talk they had.
Now I get an information taken from wikipedia .. (And we chatted). Would be nice to start a debate do not you think? ____________________________________________________________________________________
From a viewpoint anthropological, covens are reminiscences of pagan rites (see Bacchae) to be held in secret by not being admitted by the religious authorities of the time.
The different routes of administration hallucinogenic substances were not well known and his administration when a lethal amount was very close to the level of use made it very dangerous to administer orally.
is why these substances are always applied as an ointment for vaginal or rectal, which could have given rise to some legends about the sexual nature of the meetings of witches or the use of cauldrons for the preparation of potions, or false theory that differs from a more accurate (discussed up pharmacy students), which says that as resembling a hallucinogenic substances applied to the mucosa-vagina-with kind of "paintbrush" has given or gave rise to culture, and internationalized, that reperesenta to witches with a stick between the legs or a broom. On the other hand, many toads are poisonous by skin contact and is also hallucinogenic therefore also part of the imagery related to the world of witchcraft . Something similar happens with some poisonous mushrooms such as Amanita muscaria Associated in children's stories where they live the gnomes .
(Information taken from WIKIPEDIA) ________________________________________________
In other words .. when you see a witch on a broom rise .. you know that is ..
And if you want to add something .. is welcome: D