is Tuesday, we can say that it is still beginning of the week, until it is Wednesday I can not say otherwise xDDDD. I walked occupied; _;, much, if not ask my cousin or my friends (?). The U-turn brings me crazy (more if possible. _.) And I let you sleep longer, yet I can not pass this because it is special n_n. I know I still have a challenge (
And I know, I know I promised that on Saturday published the first chapter of what I have since looooong ~.
In short, it's a birthday gift for Cide (aka
Fandom: Tokio Hotel
Claim: Bill / Tom / Bushido or Bushido / Bill / Tom or Tom / Bushido / Bill as they want
xD Warnings: Lemon, lime, threesome, twincest, Yaoi / Slash (hombrexhombre oo)
Beta: No beta for now because mine is for whom is dedicated the fic so other suggestions are appreciated n_n ~.
No, something was not right. The simple fact that Bill will look with those eyes full of mystery and smiled slyly predicted not anything good. Because every time I had an 'attitude' and or finished in deep líoo without sex just for an indefinite period of sex. And to be honest the first thing a thousand times prefer the latter, even withstand the dramatic events is riding his twin, but not touching , was undoubtedly the worst punishment of all.
turned his attention to his interlocutor was speaking things which resulted in blah, blah, blah resounding in your head and not really understanding what was the point. That was one of the big problems-he-say differences between them, while Bill went round and round the issue and he just decíay.
- Bill! "He called only di point.
heard a snort. saw the evident annoyance which his brother sitting in front of Ely is accommodated across the leg. It was a matter of seconds to drop the 'bomb' ...
-view you are not interested to hear why my great idea ...
Tom rolled his eyes averted That would only cause a 'mode' diva was not sure of supporting with so much mystery involved.
- ... one week before our birthday, right?
not respond, it is not necessary.
"I've been thinking of something special .
Chill, oh, yeah, those fucking chills that only Bill could only lead to utter a word or make a gesture ... And at this time could not to translate them as good or bad. Scary how unpredictable he could be his twin.
"I say what it is or will be another one of your 'surprise' .- tried not to be ironic.
"Do not be a killjoy, Tomi. I know you will like. Tell me what about what I was given no your liking?
could swear that last one was almost spelled in a way that made his skin crawl.
-just do not want to end up being stalked by paparazzi in what was supposed to be 'private' and 'intimate'.
Bill made a gesture with his hand minus of the matter. Because he loved being the center of attention, to have people buzzing, literally, around it. Counter preferred dreads getting a good night out without having to take care not to do something 'inappropriate' that will certainly earn a good talking to David or Bill himself, that the sermons of their manager still falling short of torture methods used to employ his twin in it.
"Do not worry, I can assure you there will be that bother anyone that day.
Silence settled in the room. The clock ticked their second point, which should rise to the minutes, which fortunately resulted in hours, that Tom enjoyed watching Bill, but was not particularly of mood.
-Georg told me she has a gift for us, "spoke the most.
- Georgie-Pooh? "Bill cocked his head and put his finger to his chin, analyzing what is said. -. Just hope it's not a lingerie catalog done for him.
Tom grimaced in disgust, more than once the bass player had made strange gifts, or exotic. He still had that album in which Gustav came dressed as reindeer, with a huge red nose, which simulated a queue and that skirt with a slight that left much to be desired, with the drummer who spoke . There remained the question of how he got those pictures, but best not to ask, could receive too much information.
The younger of the Kaulitz looked at the clock that was in his wrist and a sly smile on his face was set, and Tom only could lick the lips, savoring in advance what was coming.
- Tomi -sang softly and seriously do you want a taste of what awaits you in a week?
He did not offer it twice ... With passage feline Billa approached him, staring at him, seducing him with her movements, her confident attitude, dominant ...
When Bill straddled he touched. No. He liked to be incited to do so, that will guide you.
"We have not had much time for us, could laugh at the pot which was, however, was more interesting to follow the descending line that traced the long finger of his brother her breast, making small zigzags, pressing a little with your fingernail one of her nipples, "and we ended up dead after every presentation I could not sneak into your bunk. I have to repay for my neglect.
Oh shit!
Yes, eloquence making last-minute appearance. And that her friend did not come with her irreverence, if not, what a party is llevaríaa intelligible sentences out.
And the finger is passed into the background ... Bhuf, "background? Rather it is forgotten at the precise moment when his trousers disappeared leaving his anatomy exposed, that it was not long freezing in the 'cold' atmosphere, not because he already had a place waiting for her, the warm, wet mouth expert Bill. And if you ever reproached his sister-fact get a tongue piercing, now that the metal part stroking that vein that rose from the base to the tip could only bless.
was not far, I could feel small needle stuck in his toes, his stomach contracting, breathing erratically, as if suddenly your lungs were enough to fill the oxygen your body ... and in an instant everything stopped.
dissatisfied grunt and full of dissatisfaction, but risked ending, could be submitted to run out of balls. He opened his eyes for the cause of his 'unhappiness', had to blink several times to get used again to light, and when I saw Bill was on his knees, his mouth full of seminal, luxurious look and a big lump his pants.
"I hope you do not think that will be the one to enjoy this.
Then Bill removing pants to light speed.
"If you run out swear, really Tom, you shall be worse the next week.
He put the answer to that at first he could not utter a word, and second to see naked Bill, even if the waist down, he simply removed the ability to think on something that member was erect and swollen, waiting attention he gladly would give if it were not for that of the 'withdrawal' that should be on tour and was not needed Bill. YA.
And apparently her sister thought so too because without prior preparation or more lubricating saliva was left on his penis straddled him, and in the process founded with his brother.
lying if I said it was not the most exquisite sensation he had experienced, feel the heat bog, the pressure around him that made him delirious, and movement strong hips Bill was the 'cherry' of such a delicious cake. I loved when out of nowhere, the child lost control, moving rapidly in circles, up and down, everything was a mixture of lust pasióny contained. And those sounds that only the singer did, gentle purr that would send electric shocks to your spine.
freed one of his hands which were now subject to the height of his head and served to support Bill, to lower to the erectile bodies that lay between them, neither was to more, so needed only a few strokes to free his brother, who strained his body process, further tightening the sphincter and this fact was enough to finish . While he did not bite with a cry that struck him in the shoulder at Bill spoke for itself.
were still in the post-orgasmic state where the child's phone rang, almost fell in trying to take his pants, and he had to do gymnastic maneuvers no & lsquo ; own ' vocalist to achieve before they hanged.
Tom lifted his head slightly and raised an eyebrow when he saw the face "scary? No, Bill rather malicious. Smiling sideways and a special glow, which ultimately was not what he knew after a sex session, there was something Masy for a moment was tempted to ask Quie n was, but you probably would not get an answer.
When his sister had hung satisfied expression he had seen in his life. And he felt jealousy, who could call to get it properly so happy? But he said nothing, would not, if something was Kaulitz share the pride.
Although he never imagined the following comment.
"You'll have the best birthday of your life, I can guarantee.
He paused, what can I say? As much as Bill insisted I would not say anything. And that just gave him headaches.
saw the ritual that Bill used to be perfect again. Corresponded to the bright smile of farewell to him from her sister before leaving with a nod.
Half an hour passed before he deigned to cover your body and that was when he entered Georg.
- Ray! Should ventilate the room after having sex.
I threw a shoe at the bass player who dodged barely.
- What is it, George?
- do you? Nothing, "Tom rolled his eyes and made a beautiful sign with the middle finger, but what character do not charge today. Finally, I said Saki at reception is Bushido.
- Bushido?
raised an eyebrow and for the first time since he entered the room paid attention. The eldest of the band shrugged when he saw the question Tom.
"Yes, Bushido. Want to talk to you.
not felt when he was alone, looked only at the door.
Bush arrives of nowhere, Bill planning a surprise gift in their words would be the best of his life, and Georg organizing a typical nasty it ...
only needed and Gustav Andreas they were engaged!
Yes, could not be better start to the week. Only expected to resist the 'pace' of it.
pd I have mini-vacation this purpose * O *! In p.d2
lower process that Live
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