Thursday, February 10, 2005

Commercial Lease Application Form

peperina @ 2005-02-10T14: 40:00

say nothing

... it warms me, I want to invite sleep

Tuesday, February 8, 2005

Disney Cruise Booking

peperina @ 2005-02-07T18: 26:00

like old times, right?
know as much as to blink while

a kind of mourning goes invisible bodies;
feeding with some anxiety, schizophrenia,
waiting, crouched, the first sound of throat

then something bothers my position
a blast of conditioned fear my speech
and fists above my words

hate you, woman!
that I love you!
listen to me!

what happens to us?
what we feel?
What do we expect?

deserve this torture with impunity for so many years of self ...
at some point the song culminated

and so you wonder if it was necessary
if this was pre-set
as expected and could not manage to move a muscle

but do not worry, I know
reflection of your fears (after all the control)
I see the love in your features

help me, without you mate
no introduction, no knot, no single outcome
help me that I'm in the dark

give me that joy that I soaked when we passed
Allow yourself let me know
compose and fever, the music always reborn

Sunday, January 30, 2005

List Of Strongest Woods

peperina @ 2005-01-30T16: 08:00

bifurcated strip the idea in your mind: no woman
comparable to living in
stop worshiping me my life would be perfect ...
... For whom?

remains of innocence or claustrophobic, several drops of saliva nectarine
much vehemence in the past face!
... Whose?

resign to the idea of naked in your bed
to distinguish myself instead of a brush
I suppose then, a vermilion
... So what?

deprive the duo reminiscent of a shiny, embezzling

a handful of art and confess to the ear, with a minimum volume ... I am a music lover how brightly

only one way: knowing you

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

How Long Results Of Protein

peperina @ 2005-01-25T17: 03:00

song more to cross the street barefoot and remains

cutting container is embedded in me fears,
way supporting foot firmly
because auque I admit it hurts sometimes
and steel myself in frozen ...

I feel sorry I feel more than ever
and I have to feel afraid to leave because I want

hugs me and is likely to want to flee
am purposely not that the words rhyme
reach is the simple fact you can not find a way to love
and if I lose for a while is because
yes, do not wait because
consistency or continuity or conclusions or reflection

whenever my eyes close
a second of your life
escapes me and I want them all in the palm

and group them by feeling them tan
or chest but when I touch when I

touches so deep as I play and I cry with silences and black
eighth and sixteenth note and you cry
I'm immune to all
and if not invisible to me passionately
and there if I need patience
because I explained that I have trouble
but there is so much femininity in me
detonate it with the language or the cause of your existence
is no coincidence that run on your back when you look

I just want you for my
and I love you but I love you and I want
away not far one second want to stop wanting

tastes like jasmine and brown velvet
feels like you know ... I know
What then? Quereme

I love you not let me let me no
hesitant because the ground there if

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Happy 25th Birthday Clip Art

peperina @ 2005-01-20T15: 08:00

olema the most miserable of my pores can be drunken; olema
touch me skin that screams muted recognition ; sentim
touch me that I have you so close to the eyelids; sentim

hate me that even the most impoverished ego let down, hate me that whole floor
cut me off balance, cut me Cry
that your sea flows into my body; Cry
not find another way to stop time; kiss
in your arms hold me feel real immunity; Hold me my fears
Quereme miss watching you; Quereme

color me I immersed in your field of vision, color me perfumame
I presume your fragrance; perfumame
musicalizame that when you do ... ; Musicalizame

Sunday, January 9, 2005

Who Buys Antique Henredon Dining Room Tables?

peperina @ 2005-01-09T08: 46:00

and at least thought to think that maybe someone thought of me ...
... your hands and you

Friday, January 7, 2005

Compact Binoculars Get What You Pay For

peperina @ 2005-01-07T13: 20:00

love love love love love love love love love love love

all you need is love ...